Everybody loves taking leave from work–unless you are the person who has to manage it all. At first glance, leave management seems like a straightforward process. But last minute requests, low visibility of records, and disparate spreadsheets and email make the entire thing a huge headache. The first step would be to implement the leave policy that is rotting around in the employee handbook, but you know if you call one more meeting to explain the leave policy, you might have a mutiny on your hands. Instead, bid goodbye to emails, spreadsheets, and paper forms, and opt for a transparent leave management software that enables visibility into every form of absence, provides accurate real-time data, and highlights leave trends.
Allow all types of leave and absence management (paid leave, reduced working time, seniority leave, unpaid leave, sick leave, etc…) in days worked, working days, calendar days and hours.
Provide the employee with real-time visibility on their leave entitlement.
Enable the employee to submit a paperless leave request according to rights earned.
Give the possibility to manage overtime and overtime recovery hours.
Provide each employee with total visibility of their team members’ absence schedule.
Allow the manager to approve (or reject) leave requests in the system.
Enable the payroll administrator to extract a leave entitlement report for all employees at any time for any period.
Notify each party by e-mail as soon as new event occurs (submission and processing).